Online Shopping Web App E commerce

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Andy Tang

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Dec 24, 2023

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I am pleased to present a Full Stack Online Shopping Web Application that I meticulously crafted using TypeScript and Java. The technology stack employed in this application showcases a harmonious blend of cutting-edge tools and frameworks.

On the front-end, I utilized TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a seamless and visually engaging user interface. TypeScript, with its statically typed nature, enhances code robustness and maintainability, ensuring a smooth and error-resistant user experience.

For the back-end architecture, I leveraged the power of Java to build a reliable and scalable foundation. Java's versatility, performance, and extensive ecosystem allowed me to implement robust server-side functionalities, ensuring the application's responsiveness and efficiency.

This project represents the culmination of my expertise in integrating diverse technologies to create a cohesive and feature-rich online shopping experience. The synergistic combination of TypeScript and Java not only facilitates a responsive and intuitive user interface but also ensures the security, scalability, and performance of the overall application

Front-end: Angular, typescript, CSS, HTML, bootstrap.

Back-end Java spring/spring boot.

Database: MySQL

Login for seller,

Login for buyer,

Easy Sign up,


Product Listing with filters,

Product Detail,

Product pagination,

Product Reviews Panel,

User Profile,

Product Seller Profile,

Custom Order Place,

Order Detail,

Orders Report with advanced filters,

Login User Edit Profile,

Change Password,

password encoding/decoding

connected with database

front end and back end

File Tree

  • 📁 Online Shopping Web App E commerce

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