online e nursery app

Type of source code : APP, Security
Goals and context : Online Nursery Store overcomes lots of challenges when compared to an offline store. A separate app for plants and their accessories helps customers to view various kinds of products. It offers all the required features to the customers that let them buy, rate, and leave comments on all the products that are available in the store. Therefore, the idea of Blooming Delights An E-Commerce app is to provide features to customers like view descriptions, compare prices, can comment on customization ideas, and can follow planting tips that promote gardening. The app recommends customers with the most purchased products, highest-rated products, and recently added products. A chatbot is developed that answers product or order-related queries to customers. After the order is placed, an order confirmation report can be viewed by the client for review.
Usage : I'm studying MCA, for my mini project in my college i choose this project ,so that i want this code .No one will use this, only for my mini project purpose i'm requesting this source code .I'll show this code execution to my project guide if it is ok as per the project abstraction then he will sign to my project as done.
Desired features : User Interface, Messaging system, Real Time Updates, Track and Trace
Features Details : Online Nursery Store overcomes lots of challenges when compared to an offline store. A separate app for plants and their accessories helps customers to view various kinds of products. It offers all the required features to the customers that let them buy, rate, and leave comments on all the products that are available in the store. Therefore, the idea of Blooming Delights An E-Commerce app is to provide features to customers like view descriptions, compare prices, can comment on customization ideas, and can follow planting tips that promote gardening. The website recommends customers with the most purchased products, highest-rated products, and recently added products. A chatbot is developed that answers product or order-related queries to customers. After the order is placed, an order confirmation report can be viewed by the client for review. If possible please provide the documentation too with atleast 40-50 pages.

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