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Detalles del producto

:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript


Monorepo for the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to support TypeScript

CI Financial Contributors on Open Collective NPM Downloads Codecov


See typescript-eslint.io for documentation on the latest released version.

See main--typescript-eslint.netlify.app for documentation on the latest canary release.


Using ESLint v9? See: ESLint v9 Support.

Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to the awesome people who contribute code and documentation:

Gallery of all contributors' profile photos

🙏 An extra special thanks goes out to the wonderful people listed in CONTRIBUTORS.md

Financial Contributors

In addition to submitting code and documentation updates, you can help us sustain our community by becoming a financial contributor [Click here to contribute - every little bit helps!]

Deploys by Netlify


typescript-eslint inherits from the original TypeScript ESLint Parser license, as the majority of the work began there. It is licensed under a permissive BSD 2-clause license.


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