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Run Kubernetes locally


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minikube implements a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows. minikube's primary goals are to be the best tool for local Kubernetes application development and to support all Kubernetes features that fit.



minikube runs the latest stable release of Kubernetes, with support for standard Kubernetes features like:

As well as developer-friendly features:

For more information, see the official minikube website


See the Getting Started Guide

:mega: Please fill out our fast 5-question survey so that we can learn how & why you use minikube, and what improvements we should make. Thank you! :dancers:



More Examples

See minikube in action here


Kubernetes project is governed by a framework of principles, values, policies and processes to help our community and constituents towards our shared goals.

The Kubernetes Community is the launching point for learning about how we organize ourselves.

The Kubernetes Steering community repo is used by the Kubernetes Steering Committee, which oversees governance of the Kubernetes project.


minikube is a Kubernetes #sig-cluster-lifecycle project.

Join our community meetings:


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