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Detalles del producto

CUBA Platform is a high level framework for enterprise applications development

CUBA Platform

Java RAD framework for enterprise web applications

license Build Status

CUBA Platform is a high level framework for rapid development of enterprise applications with rich web interface.

The simplest way to start using the platform is to download CUBA Studio and create a new project in it. A released version of the platform will be downloaded automatically from the artifact repository.

You can also build a snapshot version of the platform from the source code and use it in your project.

To contribute, first refer to Contributing Code for general instructions and requirements for contributing code to the platform.

Building from Source

In order to build the platform from source, you need to install the following:

Let's assume that you have cloned CUBA Gradle Plugin and CUBA into the following directories:


Open terminal in the work directory and run the following command to build and install the plugin into your local Maven repository (~/.m2):

cd cuba-gradle-plugin
gradlew install

After that, go to the CUBA directory and build and install it with the same command:

cd ../cuba
gradlew install

Using Snapshot Version

Edit the build.gradle file of your project. Change the ext.cubaVersion property and add mavenLocal() to the repositories section, for example:

buildscript {
    ext.cubaVersion = '7.3-SNAPSHOT'
    repositories {
        maven { ...

That's all. Now you can build and deploy your application based on the snapshot version of the platform from your local repository:

 gradlew deploy

Third-party dependencies

The platform uses a number of forked third-party libraries. They can be found in the following source code repositories:

All dependencies are also located in our artifacts repository, so you don't have to build them from sources in order to build and use the platform.


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