

Detalles del producto

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Detalles del producto

GlobaLeaks is free, open source software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.
License Code of Conduct follow on Twitter

GlobaLeaks is free, open source software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure whistleblowing platform.

Continuous integration and testing

Branch Build Status Test Status Quality Coverage Documentation
main build workflow build workflow Codacy Badge Codacy Badge Build Status
devel build workflow test workflow Codacy Badge Codacy Badge Build Status
Project best practices and scores: Metric Score
Mozilla HTTP Observatory Status
Security Headers Status
SSLLabs Status
CII Best Practices CII Best Practices

Project statistics on OpenHub:

Infrastructure status:


GlobaLeaks's documentation is accessible at:

Community support

If you need technical support, have general questions, or have new ideas for GlobaLeaks, please post your message on the Community Forum.

Join our Community Chat to get in touch with the development team and the GlobaLeaks community:

  • development to participate in development discussions

  • community-support for the community support

If you want to contribute to the project please check the Contributors Guidelines.

In case you need to file a security report please check our Security Policy

Brand guidelines and brand assets

Within the GlobaLeaks project we researched a nice and smooth brand style, using accessible colors and trying to communicate our values. If you are planning some press releases, a conference, or promoting GlobaLeaks please keep at reference our official Brand Guidelines and use our Brand Assets.


To support the GlobaLeaks project you can help us with donations that will goes entirely for the software development.


GlobaLeaks is released under the AGPLv3 license.


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