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제품 세부 정보

Kubernetes Operations (kOps) - Production Grade k8s Installation, Upgrades and Management

kOps - Kubernetes Operations

CI GitHub release (latest SemVer) Go Report Card GoDoc Widget

The easiest way to get a production grade Kubernetes cluster up and running.

What is kOps?

We like to think of it as kubectl for clusters.

kops will not only help you create, destroy, upgrade and maintain production-grade, highly available, Kubernetes cluster, but it will also provision the necessary cloud infrastructure.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) and GCE (Google Cloud Platform) are currently officially supported, with DigitalOcean, Hetzner and OpenStack in beta support, and Azure in alpha.

Can I see it in action?

Installing and launching a Kubernetes cluster hosted on AWS, GCE, DigitalOcean, Hetzner, OpenStack, Azure

See Getting Started


Documentation is in the /docs directory, and can be seen at kops.sigs.k8s.io.

Releases and kubernetes Release Compatibility

See Releases and versioning

Getting Involved and Contributing

See Contributing

Office Hours

kOps maintainers set aside one hour every other week for public office hours. This time is used to gather with community members interested in kOps. This session is open to both developers and users.

We do maintain an agenda and stick to it as much as possible. If you want to hold the floor, put your item in this doc. Bullet/note form is fine. Even if your topic gets in late, we do our best to cover it.

For more information about the office hours and how to join, see Office Hours



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