

제품 정보

favorites 즐겨 찾기에 추가

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오픈소스 사용 사례

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제품 세부 정보

Siriustemplate is a Landing page template using vanilla html/css/js .It can be customized to reflect the buyers needs.Siriustemplate is a Fully responsive template .The landing page design includes a logo, icons for the use of the buyer. Sleek and modern design of siriustemplate is modeled to keep up with the website trends of today! A video is provided to help understand the template better. This code is organized ina stuctured manner to reflect the separation of concerns


trendy black gold chic color theme

multiple color schemes for you to try out

ease of customization

perfectly responsive

mobile first

tested for lightning fast page load

How to run locally

Install a code editor preferably vscode.

download and install nodejs

Check if node and npm is installed by typing the following commands in the terminal:

node -v npm -v

Unzip the siriustemplate folder and switch to the siriustemplate folder on the terminal/command line

for eg: cd C:/desktop/siriustemplate

run following command

npm install

then run following command

npm start

to change the logo,images add your images in the src/images folder.

change the name of your website,logo, all of the text,images in the index.html in the src folder

to change the form details add your call links in index.html and email links in both index.html form section and src/js/script.js in the form handlers handleSubmit() function.

to change the background images in about and form sections:

go to src/sass/pages/home.scss

change the background: url() in the .about class

go to src/sass/components/form.scss

change the background: url() in the .form class

to change the theme color of the website go to src/sass/abstracts/variables.scss

comment out the --color-primary-1,--color-primary-2,--color-neutral-1,--color-neutral-2 and uncomment out the other color pallete to select colors of your preference

you can also change the font if you wish

to change the font go to index.html and change the href attribute in the link tag also change the font in src/base/typography.scss for the effect to take place

tip: you can change the svg icons colors. simply change the fill attribute in the .svg file to follow the current theme. 4 extra svgs are present in the src/images for your convenience. eg: fill=#000000 currently can change it to fill=#238181

finally run the build command npm run build

note that the build is stored in the dist folder created after running the build command which is what is shipped to the browser

the website is now ready to be deployed!



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