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OSS 플랜 추가
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제품 세부 정보

JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, & deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.


NPM version Downloads Gitter Known Vulnerabilities Package Health

Generator Build Status Angular Build Status React Build Status Vue Build Status Revved up by Develocity

Greetings, Java Hipster!

Full documentation and information is available on our website at

Please read our guidelines before submitting an issue. If your issue is a bug, please use the bug template pre-populated here. For feature requests and queries you can use this template. If you have found a potential security issue, please read our security policy and contact us privately first:


We are honored by any contributions you may have small or large. Please refer to our contribution guidelines and instructions document for any information about contributing to the project.

Supported Java and Node versions

The following Java and Node combinations are tested and verified by GitHub Actions:

Java Node Status
21 20
17 18


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Thank you to our sponsors!

Bronze sponsors



Thank you to all our backers!


Daily Builds

Additional builds at hipster-labs/jhipster-daily-builds

Pipeline Status
Angular Maven SQL
Angular Maven NoSQL
Angular Gradle SQL
Angular Gradle NoSQL
React Maven SQL
React Maven NoSQL
React Gradle SQL
React Gradle NoSQL
Vue Maven SQL
Vue Maven NoSQL
Vue Gradle SQL
Vue Gradle NoSQL
Monolith OAuth 2.0
No Database
Microservices JWT
Microservices OAuth 2.0
Docker Image
Official Windows

Analysis of the sample JHipster project

sonar-quality-gate sonar-coverage sonar-bugs sonar-vulnerabilities sonar-sample-code-smells-badge



비즈니스 개발자를 위한 최신 정보를 원하십니까? 소스 코드 프로젝트에 대한 PieceX 커뮤니티의 요구사항을 알아보세요. PieceX의 최신 무료 커뮤니티 코드를 빠르게 알려드립니다.