Video Streaming App Template

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Jun 20, 2019

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Video streaming has become essential in today's world of technology. With the fast-growing demand for online video, having your own streaming platform has become an invaluable tool. Build your own video streaming platform with ease, using our custom-built app template.

This template features a custom video player (custom media controls, UI) for mp4 file URL playback as well as YouTube embed playback. It also offers basic search and filter capabilities, as well as a side menu bar for further customization. Every feature is presented in an easy-to-understand and beautiful way.

This platform is written in Javascript and HTML, using the power of ElectronJS. This allows you to build your code natively for Windows, Mac and Linux as a desktop application. It can also be ported to a normal website with minimal effort, by replacing electron exclusive APIs.

Using this template is easy. All you need is NodeJS / NPM installed. After downloading and extracting the zip, you can run 'npm install' in the password manager folder. This will install and download all the node modules needed to run the program. After that, run 'npm start' and the program will start up. A full guide is provided in the PDF file.

Take control of your video streaming needs with our app template. Start with a few clicks and your video streaming platform will be ready within minutes. With our template, you can create an engaging and interactive video streaming experience for your users. Start building yours today!

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  • 📁 Video Streaming App Template

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Sep 28, 2019
Using was pretty funny but useful, it works. Nice video controls.
Oct 2, 2019
Works pretty good. I adapts to different video libraries. I am tilting a lot. Learning curve or however you wish to put it. No problem, I just had to check the guide
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