My Book app Make your own iOS app using Swift and Core Data

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May 10, 2021

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Want to build a clean & simple iOS app using Core Data? Something beginner-friendly? This template shows you exactly that.

  • It creates a Book App using the exact same skin of my App Store published app - Bhagavad Gita interpretation
  • Shows you how to read a JSON and display its contents as a list of chapters using a UITableView

  • Allows you to tap on each chapter to show its contents

  • Is fully customizable since you have to just replace the JSON with your content and your app is ready

  • Is beginner-friendly since the code is simple & well documented

  • Works well in light and dark mode

  • Is App Store ready

  • Exact same source code is used in my published app - Bhagavad Gita interpretation!

    (Does not contain Widget and in-app purchase code)

    The project assumes that you have a basic understanding of Swift & know how to run a project in Xcode.

File Tree

  • 📁 My Book app Make your own iOS app using Swift and Core Data

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