Chat App using React Nestjs MongoDB Socket IO

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Aug 26, 2023

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Detalles del producto

Mononymchat is a basic realtime chat application that can be developed in the future. This application project is suitable for those of you who want to build a chat application without having to start from scratch. by using typescript and yarn workspace, it makes it easier for you to refactor, sharing code, etc.

The yarn package manager is required to run the application, and it also uses the yarn workspace to share code between the api and the client. The API is built using nestjs, mongoDB, and for the web application it is built using React vite.


Tech stack

- Nestjs

- MongoDB

- React


- Registration

- Login 

- Profile

- Edit Profile

- Change password

- Private Chat


File Tree

  • 📁 Chat App using React Nestjs MongoDB Socket IO

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