parellel space like application android code

Type of source code : API, APP,SDKS
Goals and context : please include a source code of parellel space ,dual space and multiaccount app ,virtual app and virtual OS creation like app. we need to implemetation of this types of definations.
Usage : its our client requirenment to make app like parellel space . they want to make app like this which run in virtual os.user can open multiple times apps and run and install withhin a virtual main app did not effected. its completely open a new app i virtual enviourenment.
Desired features : User Interface
Features Details : its our client requirenment to make app like parellel space . they want to make app like this which run in virtual os.user can open multiple times apps and run and install withhin a virtual main app did not effected. its completely open a new app i virtual enviourenment.

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