Type of source code : Website, ERP
Goals and context : Iam looking for a web based PHP saas version software's sorce code to buy and install on my server so that I can charge end users monthly with the following functions: -HRM -CRM -Sales -Accounting -Marketing -Purchase management -Inventory Management and so on -With complete dynamic landing frontage -Payment ways such as Paypal and more
Usage : Iam looking for a web based PHP saas version software's sorce code to buy and install on my server so that I can charge end users monthly with the following functions: -HRM -CRM -Sales -Accounting -Marketing -Purchase management -Inventory Management and so on -With complete dynamic landing frontage -Payment ways such as Paypal and more
Desired features : User Interface, Administrator website, Messaging system, Push Notifications system, Reports, Secure Payment Options, Real Time Updates, Social Integrations, AI, Track and Trace
Features Details : Invite users to the system, IP address restriction, GOOGLE and Facebook login. Iam taking english speaking countries basex on Africa . The system must be multi language

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