Web Search Box

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Jun 3, 2019

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Check out the guide PDF file.

Are you looking for a modern, dynamic style search box for your website? Look no further! This web element is the perfect solution for integrating a fully-functional search box with your project.

The search box provides multiple features to help you get more from your project, including automatic suggestions and keyboard controls. The dynamic predictions are also tailored to the user's input, so you can get more accurate results every time.

The search box is asynchronous and provides instant results. This means you can get the information you need without any delay. Plus, it's easy to use - simply add the markup from the index.html, embed the javascripts and CSS files, and you're all set!

The suggestion features of the search box are provided via JavaScript, without requiring any databases. Plus, a guide PDF file helps you get set up quickly and easily.

So if you're looking for a modern, dynamic search box with advanced features and instant results, this is the perfect fit! With our software, you can get the most out of your website search while providing an optimal user experience.

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  • 📁 Web Search Box

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Reseñas y Calificaciones
Oct 9, 2019
Perfect for my project. Thanx.
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Oct 21, 2019
I was able to cusstomize exactly how I wanted to.
ratingsratingsratingsratings ratings
Nov 6, 2019
I find this very easy to learn and to use. thanks to the developer...
ratingsratingsratingsratings ratings
Nov 21, 2019
Looks exactly like a google one.
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