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Detalles del producto

The core Laravel CMS Composer package

Statamic Logo

About Statamic

Statamic is the flat-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS designed for building beautiful, easy to manage websites.

Note: This repository contains the code for the core CMS package. To start your own website project with Statamic, visit the Statamic application repository.

Learning Statamic

Statamic has extensive documentation. We dedicate a significant amount of time and energy every day to improving them, so if something is unclear, feel free to open issues for anything you find confusing or incomplete. We are happy to consider anything you feel will make the docs and CMS better.


We provide official developer support on Statamic Pro projects. Community-driven support is available on GitHub Discussions and in Discord.


Thank you for considering contributing to Statamic! We simply ask that you review the contribution guide before you open issues or send pull requests.

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the Statamic community is welcoming to all and generally a rad place to belong, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.

Important Links


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