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DeforaOS Project

DeforaOS Project

About DeforaOS

DeforaOS is an Operating System developed with new and innovative concepts in its design and architecture. Its goal is to let users work securely yet seamlessly across any number of devices. This means that the relevant data is readily available, while the state of the applications remains consistent regardless of the form factor, location, or connectivity.

This is achieved in a decentralized manner, without necessarily using shared computing platforms from third parties (also known as "cloud").

Project structure

The project is essentially divided into three main components:

  1. Distributed framework

    Used for the communication between the different components of the system, locally as well as when accessing resources on remote devices.

  2. Self-hosted environment

    Contains the components necessary to let the system build itself again.

  3. Graphical interface

    Implements a featureful desktop environment, making full use of the underlying design and architecture.

Getting started

The current requirements to build and install DeforaOS are:

  • POSIX-compliant Operating System (NetBSD, Linux, macOS, BSD...)
  • a working C compiler and assembler (GCC, LLVM...)
  • Git, to download and synchronize the components as required

Run the following command to configure the sources for the project and compile the essential tools to build it:

$ make bootstrap

Once this done, run the following command to automatically download and build its different components:

$ make

Alternatively, a helper script is available, in order to build bootable images of the Operating System:

$ image

Contact information

The project can be found and contacted at:

Donations are accepted at the following address:

  • Bitcoin: 1yKwy1JqXYkXX8WQtWQK4iHodXWiqWivD

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