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Product Details

Easily and securely send things from one computer to another :crocodile: :package:

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`croc` is a tool that allows any two computers to simply and securely transfer files and folders. AFAIK, *croc* is the only CLI file-transfer tool that does **all** of the following: - allows **any two computers** to transfer data (using a relay) - provides **end-to-end encryption** (using PAKE) - enables easy **cross-platform** transfers (Windows, Linux, Mac) - allows **multiple file** transfers - allows **resuming transfers** that are interrupted - local server or port-forwarding **not needed** - **ipv6-first** with ipv4 fallback - can **use proxy**, like tor For more information about `croc`, see [my blog post]( or read a [recent interview I did]( ![Example](src/install/customization.gif) ## Install Download [the latest release for your system](, or install a release from the command-line: ``` curl | bash ``` On macOS you can install the latest release with [Homebrew]( ``` brew install croc ``` On macOS you can also install the latest release with [MacPorts]( ``` sudo port selfupdate sudo port install croc ``` On Windows you can install the latest release with [Scoop](, [Chocolatey](, or [Winget]( ``` scoop install croc ``` ``` choco install croc ``` ``` winget install schollz.croc ``` On Unix you can install the latest release with [Nix]( ``` nix-env -i croc ``` On Alpine Linux you have to install dependencies first: ``` apk add bash coreutils wget -qO- | bash ``` On Arch Linux you can install the latest release with `pacman`: ``` pacman -S croc ``` On Fedora you can install with `dnf`: ``` dnf install croc ``` On Gentoo you can install with `portage`: ``` emerge net-misc/croc ``` On Termux you can install with `pkg`: ``` pkg install croc ``` On FreeBSD you can install with `pkg`: ``` pkg install croc ``` Or, you can [install Go]( and build from source (requires Go 1.17+): ``` go install ``` On Android there is a 3rd party F-Droid app [available to download]( ## Usage To send a file, simply do: ``` $ croc send [file(s)-or-folder] Sending 'file-or-folder' (X MB) Code is: code-phrase ``` Then to receive the file (or folder) on another computer, you can just do ``` croc code-phrase ``` The code phrase is used to establish password-authenticated key agreement ([PAKE]( which generates a secret key for the sender and recipient to use for end-to-end encryption. There are a number of configurable options (see `--help`). A set of options (like custom relay, ports, and code phrase) can be set using `--remember`. ### Custom code phrase You can send with your own code phrase (must be more than 6 characters). ``` croc send --code [code-phrase] [file(s)-or-folder] ``` ### Allow overwriting without prompt By default, croc will prompt whether to overwrite a file. You can automatically overwrite files by using the `--overwrite` flag (recipient only). For example, receive a file to automatically overwrite: ``` croc --yes --overwrite ``` ### Use pipes - stdin and stdout You can pipe to `croc`: ``` cat [filename] | croc send ``` In this case `croc` will automatically use the stdin data and send and assign a filename like "croc-stdin-123456789". To receive to `stdout` at you can always just use the `--yes` will automatically approve the transfer and pipe it out to `stdout`. ``` croc --yes [code-phrase] > out ``` All of the other text printed to the console is going to `stderr` so it will not interfere with the message going to `stdout`. ### Send text Sometimes you want to send URLs or short text. In addition to piping, you can easily send text with `croc`: ``` croc send --text "hello world" ``` This will automatically tell the receiver to use `stdout` when they receive the text so it will be displayed. ### Use a proxy You can use a proxy as your connection to the relay by adding a proxy address with `--socks5`. For example, you can send via a tor relay: ``` croc --socks5 "" send SOMEFILE ``` ### Change encryption curve You can choose from several different elliptic curves to use for encryption by using the `--curve` flag. Only the recipient can choose the curve. For example, receive a file using the P-521 curve: ``` croc --curve p521 ``` Available curves are P-256, P-348, P-521 and SIEC. P-256 is the default curve. ### Change hash algorithm You can choose from several different hash algorithms. The default is the `xxhash` algorithm which is fast and thorough. If you want to optimize for speed you can use the `imohash` algorithm which is even faster, but since it samples files (versus reading the whole file) it can mistakenly determine that a file is the same on the two computers transferring - though this is only a problem if you are syncing files versus sending a new file to a computer. ``` croc send --hash imohash SOMEFILE ``` ### Self-host relay The relay is needed to staple the parallel incoming and outgoing connections. By default, `croc` uses a public relay but you can also run your own relay: ``` croc relay ``` By default it uses TCP ports 9009-9013. Make sure to open those up. You can customize the ports (e.g. `croc relay --ports 1111,1112`), but you must have a minimum of **2** ports for the relay. The first port is for communication and the subsequent ports are used for the multiplexed data transfer. You can send files using your relay by entering `--relay` to change the relay that you are using if you want to custom host your own. ``` croc --relay "" send [filename] ``` Note, when sending, you only need to include the first port (the communication port). The subsequent ports for data transfer will be transmitted back to the user from the relay. #### Self-host relay (docker) If it's easier you can also run a relay with Docker: ``` docker run -d -p 9009-9013:9009-9013 -e CROC_PASS='YOURPASSWORD' schollz/croc ``` Be sure to include the password for the relay otherwise any requests will be rejected. ``` croc --pass YOURPASSWORD --relay "" send [filename] ``` Note: when including `--pass YOURPASSWORD` you can instead pass a file with the password, e.g. `--pass FILEWITHPASSWORD`. ## License MIT ## Acknowledgements `croc` has gone through many iterations, and I am awed by all the great contributions! If you feel like contributing, in any way, by all means you can send an Issue, a PR, or ask a question. Thanks [@warner]( for the [idea](, [@tscholl2]( for the [encryption gists](, [@skorokithakis]( for [code on proxying two connections]( Finally thanks for making pull requests [@maximbaz](, [@meyermarcel](, [@Girbons](, [@techtide](, [@heymatthew](, [@Lunsford94](, [@lummie](, [@jesuiscamille](, [@threefjord](, [@marcossegovia](, [@csleong98](, [@afotescu](, [@callmefever](, [@El-JojA](, [@anatolyyyyyy](, [@goggle](, [@smileboywtu](, [@nicolashardy](, [@fbartels](, [@rkuprov](, [@hreese](, [@xenrox]( and [Ipar](!

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