Kickstart Programming

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Kickstart Programming - Software Source Code Product

Kickstart Programming is a portable .NET Windows application designed to assist students in programming by allowing them to apply the concepts they learn in class using JavaScript. This software product is supported on various Windows operating systems, including XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10, and requires .NET Framework 4.0 to run.


  • Fully supports ECMAScript 5.1 language specification (JavaScript).

  • Supports JavaScript popup boxes, such as alert, confirm, and prompt.

  • Enables users to create, view, edit, and save JavaScript programs within the application.

  • Provides a full-screen typing mode to minimize distractions.

  • Offers a powerful editor with line numbering, language syntax highlighting, find & replace functionality, editing highlights on changes and code blocks, automatic brace completions, auto-completion of previously-typed words and language keywords with descriptive guides, access to the Math API and its various functions, code and results zooming, and a range of shortcut keys for quick actions.

  • Includes error logging and debugging features for JavaScript code.

  • Performance-driven and fast at runtime and code execution.

All the source code files are included in the package, allowing users to customize and modify the software according to their needs.

How to Use

To get started with Kickstart Programming, follow these steps:

  1. Download the source code *.zip* archive.

  2. Unzip the archive to access the project files.

  3. Launch the project file named "Kickstarter with Javascript.sln" in Visual Studio.

  4. All the necessary assemblies are safely packed and can be found in the *bin/Debug* folder.

You can also test the features of Kickstart Programming using the playground editor. This allows you to have a hands-on experience of the application's capabilities and performance at runtime.

With Kickstart Programming, you can unleash your creativity and enhance your programming skills by practicing JavaScript in a user-friendly and feature-rich environment. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced programmer, this software source code product is designed to empower you and accelerate your learning process.

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  • 📁 Kickstart Programming

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Apr 26, 2019
Very adaptable.
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