What To Do Before Starting Your Software Development Project

In the enterprise world, it is very important to make preparations and planning before hopping your team onto keyboards.

In the enterprise world, it is very important to make preparations and planning before hopping your team onto keyboards. 

Every software company must consider multiple variables before diving deep into software development. 

A big deal of factors must be seen and dealt with in order to get the most out of your project and to help your company grow from both a technical and a business sense.

Those factors include strategizing, team management, and software component acquisition.

Business Strategizing

Despite the fact that all companies are focused mainly on earning profit and finalizing their software quickly, it is still very important to have room for scaling.

From a business side, if you allow your company to stagnate at a specific point, you will have a very difficult time getting your business beyond the market value it currently has.

That's why it is important to strategize. Build a clear plan on how to allocate your resources perfectly so that you can create a fully developed software solution or internal system that will help your business to scale with time and grow steadily at a suitable speed.

There are many different ways to strategize and tens if not hundreds of methodologies that different businesses use. 

Make sure to brush up on the best business planning methodologies out there and study, apply, and implement the one most useful to you and your business.

Once you know your direction, you will be able to set deadlines, create the features that your company needs, and build an easily updatable software that will last you for decades.

Team Management

In enterprises and businesses, it is common to have more than one tech team working in sequence to make big things happen. 

Each one of those teams is led by a tech project manager and each team follows a tight deadline as the other teams rely on each other to make it work.

Thus, in order to make your team efficient as a project manager, you need to create very clear metrics of success that you can later measure and then most importantly, provide your team with the necessary tools. 

This means getting them the resources that they need in terms of software and in terms of equipment, work environment, etc..

Assuming you are running a business, you will already have the most suitable set of equipment and workspaces available for your teams in order to get their code in order without delay.

However, it gets tricky when it comes to software. What most companies do is they ask the team manager to survey their team on the tools they need to fulfill their projects perfectly and they go through a hierarchy in order to achieve that.

Software Component Acquisition

That’s why companies often resort to software component acquisition. This means allowing their tech teams to acquire software parts such as software source code to be able to build their business in due time.

Cutting time and cost by 80% doesn’t mean sacrificing quality or trying to get “make money fast” schemes, it is part of the software development strategy your business must consider.

There are tons of source code projects out there that can, in fact, be reused comfortably to build your project rather than start from scratch.

This doesn’t mean that your company software or projects will lack scalability, it means that your company will build on something that is guaranteed to work, enterprise-level inspected software source code.

In order to acquire enterprise-level software components, it is best to allow your team to utilize PieceX which is currently the leading marketplace platform for buying and selling enterprise software solutions and source code.


Once you have your strategy in place, your team in order, and your software components ready, you will be able to jump into the development process, building scalable software that will make your business grow from the ground up.




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