User Information
AI Javascript Image Classification
Real-Time execution, it only needs javascript. Make your websites smarter. You can later modify the page to save the results into your preferred storage (database connections not included). The image quality and clarity influence the quality of the predictions.
Added By Lab AI
AI Facial Recognition web system
AI Facial Recognition web system Facial recognition and facial detection web system in Python and Django. Upload images and let the AI find matches for people. With the following project you will be able to: Use it as it is for web facial recognition and facial detection Upload single images or mult
Added By Lab AI
DetectAI AI Browser Object Detection
Javascript-only code. It only needs a web server. Object detection is the task where a model can identify through an image or video stream, information about the objects inside the image and their position. The approach SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector), represents the output space of boundi
Added By Lab AI
AI Comment Moderator Keep your comment section free of insults
Now you don t need to waste your time removing toxic comments in your comment section. Deploy the code easily at a PHP web server. Includes mock article pages and database structure. Execution Steps: Install a webserver (for example: apache, nginx, IIS etc) Install PHP into the web server and mysqlR
Added By Lab AI
Tutorial Resources Python Webservice API Server deployment using Ubuntu
Tutorial Resources Python Webservice API Server deployment using Ubuntu From the tutorial:
Added By Lab AI
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