Efarm full frontend for agribusiness App

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Oct 19, 2023

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E-farm is the flutter full front-end and a well prototyped figma UI/UX design with the following features

  1. Farmer's View:

    • Purpose: The Farmer's view is designed for individuals who are farmers or agricultural producers. It allows them to manage their farming operations and interact with users and drivers.

    • Key Features:
      • Dashboard: Farmers can access a dashboard showing an overview of their farm activities, including current orders, pending tasks, and other relevant information.

      • Farm Management: Farmers can add, update, and manage details about their crops, livestock, and resources. This includes information about products, pricing, and availability.

      • Scheduling: A scheduling or calendar system allows farmers to plan and track their tasks and activities on the farm.

      • Order Management: Farmers can receive and manage orders from users and coordinate with drivers for deliveries.

      • Statistics: Provides insights and analytics on farm performance and sales data.

  2. User's View:

    • Purpose: The User's view is for individuals who want to purchase farm products or services. It offers a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience.

    • Key Features:
      • Product Catalog: Users can browse and search for a variety of farm products and services, including fresh produce, meats, dairy, and more.

      • Search and Filters: Users can search for specific products and apply filters to find items based on criteria like price, location, and product type.

      • Order Tracking: Users can track the status of their orders in real-time and receive notifications about order updates.

      • User Profile: Users can manage their profiles, set preferences, view order history, and manage payment methods.

      • Rating and Reviews: Users can leave ratings and reviews for products and farmers to help others make informed choices.

  3. Driver's View:

    • Purpose: The Driver's view is intended for individuals responsible for delivering farm products from the farmers to the users. It streamlines delivery operations.

    • Key Features:
      • Dashboard: Drivers can access a dashboard to manage their delivery tasks, see incoming orders, and set their availability.

      • Order Management: Drivers can accept or decline delivery requests and coordinate with farmers and users for efficient deliveries.

      • Navigation System: A GPS-based navigation system helps drivers find the most efficient routes to their destinations, ensuring timely deliveries.

      • Delivery Summary: Provides drivers with a summary of completed deliveries and any pending tasks.

      • Earnings and Performance Tracking: Allows drivers to track their earnings and view their performance metrics.

  4. Other Useful Features:

    • Blog: The blog feature is a content section where articles, posts, and updates related to farming, agriculture, and sustainable practices can be published. It serves as an educational and informative resource.

    • Chats: This feature enables communication between users, farmers, and drivers through a messaging system. Users can ask questions, inquire about products, and resolve issues with ease.

    • Payment: Payment integration allows users to make secure payments for their orders. It should support various payment methods like credit cards, digital wallets, or even cash on delivery. Farmers and drivers can also receive payments through this system.

    • Maps: Maps are used for various purposes, such as displaying the location of farms, providing navigation for drivers, and helping users find nearby farms or products. It enhances the overall user experience and efficiency of the app.

prototype link https://www.figma.com/proto/nViYzRCnHaFPnfjMFyq3pb/E-Shamba-(Copy)-(Copy)?type=design&node-id=2-2&t=DxN8oDNbqQeuEsxv-1&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=2%3A2&mode=design

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  • 📁 Efarm full frontend for agribusiness App

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