Boat Booking System Web App

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Mar 20, 2023

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Welcome to our Boat Booking System, the ultimate solution for marine tourism lovers! We understand that marine activities are one of the most sought-after tourist experiences, especially for countries with seas or oceans. Our platform aims to make it easier for tourists to search, book and enjoy various marine activities without any hassle.

With our platform, you can register your data and pay online for your bookings or cancel your reservation, all in one place. We offer a wide range of activities, from booking night parties or dinner on the tourist boats to diving trips with professional instructors to see coral reefs and various fish. You can also go on submarine trips, where you can see the beauty of marine life through the glass bottom of the boat. We also provide boats or yachts fishing trips with expert guides who take you to the best fishing spots.

Our platform doesn't just cater to tourists; yacht and sailboat owners can register on the website to offer cruise prices and sailing lessons. Tour guides, yacht driving, snorkeling, or sailboat instructors can also register to offer their services. We believe that this helps increase competitiveness among service providers and allows them to reach customers wherever they are.

Our Boat Booking System offers numerous features for our users, captains, and administrators to ensure an optimal experience. Our administrators can manage activities, add, update or delete any activity from the database, activate or deactivate new users or captain data, review photos before publishing, manage notifications or policies, display offers and deals to attract customers, add banners, and maintain the website's efficiency by deleting old offers and activities.

For tourists, our platform allows new users to sign up with mandatory personal data and search for marine tourism activities like name, activity, location, season, price, and offers. Users can also download photos, book activities like marine trips, boat parties, and dinners, book diving or snorkeling trips, cancel bookings with our booking policy, pay online with a credit card, receive system notifications, make comparisons between website offers, write comments, and send emails through our contact us page. For captains and tour guides, our platform allows them to sign up and manage their data, show their booking activity, offer activity descriptions, prices, and upload photos. They can delete unused activities, put some tips and instructions about the activities, and view customer comments about their activities. At Boat Booking System, we strive to provide a modern service to our potential customers, making it easy for them to search for and book various marine activities. Join us today and explore the world beneath the waves!

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  • 📁 Boat Booking System Web App

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