Arsha template

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Apr 9, 2023

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The Arsha template is a pre-designed website template created by the BootstrapMade team. It is designed for businesses, agencies, and professionals who want to create a modern, professional-looking website. The template is built using the Bootstrap framework, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here's a brief description of the Arsha template code:

  1. HTML: The Arsha template uses HTML to structure the content of the website. The HTML code defines the different sections of the website, such as the header, footer, and main content.

  2. CSS: The Arsha template uses CSS to style the website. CSS code defines the colors, fonts, and layouts used in the template.

  3. JavaScript: The Arsha template uses JavaScript to add interactivity and functionality to the website. JavaScript code is used to create animations, scroll effects, and other interactive features.

  4. Bootstrap Framework: The Arsha template is built using the Bootstrap framework, which provides a set of pre-designed CSS styles and JavaScript plugins. The template uses Bootstrap to create responsive layouts, navigation menus, and other common website elements.

  5. Custom Code: In addition to the pre-designed code provided by Bootstrap, the Arsha template also includes custom code created by the BootstrapMade team. This code is used to create the unique design and functionality of the template, such as the full-screen background images and the portfolio grid.

    1. Images: The Arsha template includes a number of images used throughout the website, such as background images, logos, and portfolio images. These images are typically stored in a separate "images" folder within the template's file structure.

    2. Fonts: The Arsha template uses Google Fonts to provide a range of font options for the website. The font styles and weights used in the template are defined in the CSS code.

    3. Plugins: The Arsha template includes a number of third-party plugins that provide additional functionality, such as the Owl Carousel for the portfolio gallery and the Simple Parallax for scroll effects. These plugins are typically included in the template's JavaScript code and are initialized using specific functions.

    4. Responsive Design: The Arsha template is designed to be responsive, meaning that it can adapt to different screen sizes and devices. The template uses the Bootstrap framework's responsive design features to achieve this, such as the grid system and responsive navigation menu.

    5. Cross-Browser Compatibility: The Arsha template is designed to be compatible with a range of web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. The CSS and JavaScript code is written in a way that ensures it works consistently across different browsers.

    Overall, the Arsha template code is well-organized and designed to be easy to customize. The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code is separated into different files and folders, making it easy to locate and modify specific elements of the website. The template also includes detailed documentation to help users understand how to customize the code and make it their own.


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  • 📁 Arsha template

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