Sistema POS Version 1

El Sistema POS cuenta con 9 módulos separados para mejorar la gestión y facilitar el mantenimiento o edición. • Modulo Login: Este módulo cuenta con las funciones de ingreso de usuario a la aplicación y de registro, con sus validaciones para el ingreso de información en los campos de texto. • Modu

Restaurant Management System

The best way to optimize these activities is growing the business online as well. The project Restaurant Management System is implemented to reduce the manual work and enhances the accuracy of work in a restaurant.

added by tinku061840460

Emotion Recognition based on deep learning and openCV python

Emotion Recognition based on deep learning and openCV python Description:Our Human face is having a mixed emotions so we are to demonstrate the probabilities of these emotions that we have.What does Emotion Recognition mean Emotion recognition is a technique used in software that allows a program to

added by yassine 846347


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