Informações do Usuário
NFC smartcard payment app use NFC cards to open gates or pay for bus fares
NFC smartcard payment system for commute the android app installed in a device that is put in a bus allows a passenger to wave their NFC bus card when getting into the bus and the app will deduct funds from their bus card account, when a passenger is getting out of the bus is required to wave again
Adicionado por Ronnex Wataya
Banking app Mobile money wallet with NFC and QR payments enabled
Peer-to-Peer Money Transfer Send money to other wallet accounts Send money to other banking wallets eg payoneer and paypal Send money by scanning QR codes generated by other users of the app Uses One Time Pin (OTP) for account verification and activation (firebase) Two-factor authentication
Adicionado por Ronnex Wataya
Planos OSS
Hardware de IoT
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