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Student s Guide To Using Python

Python is a great programming language for beginners to learn. It has a simple syntax, a wide range of applications, and a large community of developers who contribute to its libraries and tools.

How Can Software Project Managers Help Your Team Finish Your Software Project

Maximizing Efficiency and Success through Effective Project Management Strategies

Road map and advice to learn reactsjs

Learning ReactJS can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. Here's a roadmap and advice to help you learn ReactJS effectively:

What To Do Before Starting Your Software Development Project

In the enterprise world, it is very important to make preparations and planning before hopping your team onto keyboards.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any service fee?
There is no registration fee, annual fee, monthly fee, billing, etc.
However, without modification: resale is prohibited, inside and outside PieceX. Please check the terms and conditions at the license page for more information.
Can the purchased source code/Item be freely used?
Feel free to modify the source code after purchasing it. It is possible to modify the source code you bought on PieceX, and upload it on PieceX to sell the modified version.
However, without modification: resale is prohibited, inside and outside PieceX. Please check the terms and conditions at the license page for more information.
Can anyone post/upload the source code/item?
Yes, it is possible for anyone with the qualified skills to upload a product at PieceX. ( However, minors are excluded. )

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