Tooday A Social community app

- Watch all the latest updates of your city through short videos - Get instant updates of your city - Record and share your opinion on latest issues - Report local issues and problems of your city on the Tooday app - Get instant notifications for every breaking or local update of your city on your s

added by codervikas

ecommerce Shopping Site

Exclusive Layouts Exclusive Filter’s Exclusive Dashboard Ability To Login As User By Admin Language English : Arab User Dashboard Admin Dashboard User Dashboard, Admin Dashboard with Sales chart Monthly sales chart on admin / seller dashboard Monthly payout states for seller dashboard

added by hamadakhalil

JobFinder Complete Laravel Source Code

✅ Admin Panel Features:- ✓ Admin can change the logo, favicon, etc. ✓ Admin can change the top bar and footer information. ✓ Admin can control the home page information. ✓ Admin can create, edit and delete blog categories. ✓ Admin can create, edit and delete blog posts. ✓ Admin can create, edi

Colate Digital Marketplace

- ADMIN - Manage User - Manage Order - USER - Authentication - Manage Store - Manage Account Profile - FRONTPAGE - Homepage - Newest, Best Seller, Most Popular - Discover - Category filter, sort by newest, oldest, cheapest, most expensive - Detail Product -

added by aluladevs

Laravel Ecommerce Project

Homepage description : Customer can see all the product . Customer can search for product. Can see product details Customer can comment and reply. Customer can register with email verification Customer can login and add product to their cart . Customer has the the ability to order product u

added by yamin

Weekly free
Restaurant Management System In Laravel

This project has two type of User: 1. Customer 2. Admin Customer 1. Customer Has the ability to register and login 2. Customer can add food to the cart and can also remove food from the cart 3. Customer Can Order Food Online 4. Customer can reserve a seat on


added by yamin


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