Top 10 website templates with source codes
This articles gives you trending website templates with source code

- Sales
- Social media
- Search engines
- Advertising
- Customer service
- Visibility
- Credibility
1. Movie Website

This website was created using python flaskfor backend and javascript, html, css for frontend and also sqlite3 database. Features:
- Users can watch movies, tv shows or even news on this website.
- The home page has a slider that recommends the latest movies and tv shows on the website.
- Movies and Tv shows have a box with youtube trailers for users to watch before they start to watch the actual movie or tv episode.
- When watching an episode, there are two buttons with links for the next and previous episodes.
- Movies and Tv shows have a description box for describing in short points what happens in that movie or tv show.
- Has a suggestion box for users to suggest a movie or tv show that isn't on your website by sending an email to the admin of the website.
- Has a search engine for users to search movies, tv shows or even specific seasons or episodes of that season.
- It is a responsive website, so it is compatible for all kinds of devices.
2. THUNDER LAND Multipurpose HTML5 CSS Js Website Template

THUNDER_LAND is a Multipurpose Template a. Can be used by businesses looking to sell their tickets. b. Or Someone who wants to show off their services. c. Can be used as a business, portfolio website. Key Features : 1.Easily Customisable 2.Free Google Font Used 3.BLUE, BLACK & YELLOW Color Accents for an Awesome Look 4.Responsive Cards Used 5.Contains 4 Pages 6.Clean and Simple Style 7.Fully responsive design easily and efficiently scales your project with one code base, from phones to tablets to desktops. 8.Clean design focused on good readability 9.CSS Animation 10.Striking Design 11.Portfolio added 12.Documentation 13.Files Included -html, css 14.Pure HTML5, CSS, Js used 15.Compatible Browsers IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox 16.CSS3 Animations 17.Flexible and multi-purpose 18.Dark Themed 19.Quick Font Change Option 20.Suited for Businesses and Ticket Selling Professions
3. E-Commerce Website

It is an e-commerce website developed in Php language. Using the ThemeForest premium theme . The following languages are used to develop this website.HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, PHP,MYSQLI. It has an admin panel from where admin can control the whole website and also manage it. From the admin panel, you can change anything of the website its slider, the home page, about page, products, etc. You can add new products to it. Check their status and also edit and delete them. You can manage your orders from there. You can check you earnings also. It also has a user panel from where the admin approved user can sell products and earn.
4. Car Rental website

Car rental website / template with rental booking for customers & admin panel for admin with database.Here, User has to Login To book a car. The user can search for cars easily and book. For bookings, the user has to provide information such as Booking Dates and Text Message. All car details are provided and it also includes Car’s feature and Overview. The user can also post their Testimonials and the user can update their Profile as well as passwords anytime they want from the site. Admin can Add/Manage car brands, manage vehicles, bookings, testimonial, pages and many more. It’s easy to operate and understand by users. This site makes customers easy for car rental. The design is pretty simple and the user won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate. Key Features: Login/Register System. Easy Bookings. Create/Manage Brands. Post/Manage Vehicle. Manage Bookings, Testimonials, Contact Queries, Pages.
5. Max Grocery and Vegetable Online Website PWA App Android App with Admin Panel php responsive

Ecommerce responsive marketplace developed using php, SQL server, Bootstrap. It is tested and ready to use for your ecommerce store. What you will get :
- Complete source code
- Full Database
- admin app(third party -allready on play store)
- Front View Features
- Eye catching landing page
- Chatting System between vendor and buyer
- Customer Registration and Login
- Guest checkout
- Search Products by Brands
- Search Products by Keywords
- Search Products by Price
- Product Sort
- Product Display by Latest, Best, New, any customized Tags manage by admin
- Product Detail page, Responsive Product Gallery, zoom effect
- Customer can select product size, color or any other specification related to product
- Customer can add product reviews
- Add to Wishlist
- Shopping cart management while browsing the products
- Last products views shown to customer for easy recall
- Payment gateway, Cash on Delivery, Credit Card,PAYTM,RAJORPAY,PAYU,INSTAMOJO,PAPAL & 100+
- Order Invoice to customer
- Order history for customer to check the order delivery or in process or cancel status
- Forget password
- Change Password
- Admin View Features
- Log Setup
- Company setup
- SEO Meta tags
- Can create new pages
- Add content to page, such as terms and conditions, privacy policy or any other new static pages can be created in admin panel for front view
- Can update their social media account links on website
- Can add new banner for home page
- Can add banners or advertisement for header or other sub pages
- Product management
- Categories management
- Brand management
- Product attribute and specification management
- Customer management
- Order report
6. News Website Template :

- Fully working database.
- PHP interface.
- HTML & CSS structure.
- Using MySQL.
7. Small Website Template

8. Marketing Website Template

This project is a marketing page, layout / template using HTML, CSS and some JavaScript. . Creating a marketing page for a product, service or company is very easy and will be very quickly accomplished, using this template. Features:
- Single page
- All scrolling
- Big slides with full-size background images
- Colors, alignments, images easily changed.
- Slides with multiple sub slides, horizontally
- Animations that trigger upon scrolling down to the content
9. Hotel Booking Service :

Hotel web template with room booking facilities , admin panel & database. you can host this to your server. Fully responsive. Best designed & developed. This template contains about us, home, rooms, galleries, queries, room booking facilities, header, footer, subscriber form . Awesome hotel booking website get view & attract more & more customers. The Hotel Management System In PHP is a simple project developed using PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and CSS. The project contains an admin and user side. The admin side manages all the management like managing bookings, checking profit, payment, adding and deleting rooms, and so on. The admin has an important role in the management of this system. For the user section, the users can go through the homepage, about, services, rooms, and contact us pages. The users can book the room as per their requirements from the room page. This project makes a convenient way for the users for making bookings and the hotel for managing the bookings.
10. Finance banker website template

It is an excellent solution for banks and other financing businesses that are in need of a solid online presence. Also, with Banker, you get to establish a one-page website, offering everyone to learn all about your business in just a few scrolls. In short, the experience will be first-class, and that is a guarantee.Banker comes with a full-screen banner, text slider, sticky navigation, on scroll content loading, filterable portfolio and pricing tables. You will also find a multi-level drop-down menu, blog section, functional contact form and social media icons. Banker is a Bootstrap template, too, with a flexible and fluid structure. Your banking website will run flawlessly on all devices and browsers,
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