Hex Puzzle Android Studio Admob GDPR

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Jan 19, 2020

Hablar con el vendedor

Detalles del producto

with hive design and endless levels a simple but challenging hex block drag and drop blocks with different shapes onto hex grid in order to fill it and earn as many points or time as possible to use it next level.

Hex Block a game to train your brain and improve your accuracy skills!

This is not Unity or Buildbox game

When You Buy it You'll Get

- Full source code game easy to reskin- android studio

- Full step by step Documentation HTML & Video


- Admob Ads : Banner and Interstitials

- challenging & addictive number one game at all time

- a family game that fit for everyone

- 3D & Very Small size game

- Beautiful design

- Play it Online & Offline

- Endless level are waiting for you to challenge


- Android studio 3.5

- Java JDK

- Admob Account

In documentation you'll learn how to..

- Import Project Into Android Studio.

- Change the package name

- Reskin the game. ( Audio , image, icons )

- Change the Admob Banner and Interstitial ID .

- Change Your Privacy policy, and review Url. (GDPR)


After reading documentation and watching the video If you need help

feel free to contact me

File Tree

  • 📁 Hex Puzzle Android Studio Admob GDPR

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