AI Facial Recognition web system

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Mar 2, 2019

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Facial recognition and facial detection web system in Python and Django.

Ready-to-use code with User Interface for facial recognition and facial detection. Upload images and let the AI find matches for people.

Upload individual or multiple images at the time.

style="color:#000000;">While facial recognition gives an identification or a match between a set of images, facial detection allows identifying if there is a human face (or more) within a picture.

With the following project you will be able to:

  • Use it as it is for web facial recognition and facial detection

  • Upload single images or multiple images to build a known faces library

  • Find a match by facial recognition for a single image or multiple files

  • Submit an image for facial detection

  • Browse the results as Web client

  • Access to the database and source code

  • Use the recognition class for other projects

Includes pre-trained data (pre-trained data from public libraries*, you can also use your own training dataset or another public one)

External Sources

The model was trained using the following dataset: (please check their website for changes in License for the landmarks; additionally, you can use a Tensorflow MIT dataset for training).

For this system, we will use the face_detector to find the faces.  Alternatively, you can use your own datasets and replace those files.

How to Use:

First, copy the two .dat files from the "Part2" zip folder inside the Part1 zip folder (where the file is).

Install Python3 and Django in your server/localhost

Copy the folder in your decided location (or server’s html folder).

In the terminal cd inside the folder with the file.

Type the followings:

> python3 makemigrations

> python3 migrate

> python3 runserver


  • The detections correspond to statistical probabilities, hence the accuracy is not 100% guaranteed.

  • The image quality and complexity interferes with the accuracy of the prediction. 

File Tree

  • 📁 AI Facial Recognition web system

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Reseñas y Calificaciones
Sep 2, 2019
Amazing project, well worth the money. Incredibly useful. Off the shelf AI.

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