AI Javascript Image Classification

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Dec 24, 2019

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Are you looking for a way to easily classify images in real-time? Then you should look no further than our pre-trained source code product. Developed with javascript and AI technology, this amazing software will automatically classify images in real-time
and provide you with a comprehensive list of classifications and their associated probabilities.

What makes our source code product stand out from the rest is its flexibility. You can easily upload images and get multiple real-time classifications. You can also customize the code to fit your specific needs. You can save tags to your preferred database,
use it to automatically tag images, or even automatically organize image galleries. You are only limited by your imagination!

Our source code product uses MIT TensorFlowJS and Mobilenet Please notice that the current classifications are predictions and might not be 100% accurate. The image quality and clarity influence the quality of the predictions.

Some ideas about how to customize the code: 

  • Save the tags to your preferred database 

  • Use it to automatically tag images

  • Automatically organize image galleries 

  • Be creative!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We would be more than happy to help you make your websites smarter with our source code product!

File Tree

  • 📁 AI Javascript Image Classification

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