Delright a complete mobility services application

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


karthik 908146
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Nov 14, 2022

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

we are selling a full stack source code of Delright App which functions as food, transportation and Taxi booking services application. We aimed to build this application to serve as a one stop solution for food delivery cargo, Courier, Taxi and essential supplies fulfilment Application, Delright is your best delivery partner, allows you to order products or create custom orders and get delivery at your doorstep.

(For Sellers & Shop owners) - It allows you to sell products, manage orders and inventories. We are selling this project as we are selling the project at this stage because we are unable to focus on multiple business as we already having a scalable business running which requires a lot of Invesment and manpower to grow so we decided to sell this to potential Entrepreneurs looking for developing applications in the above sphere which saves them a lot of time and developmental costs. Delright was already testes on 100 plus test customers and had a positive feedback from them and also had nearly about 100 plus registrations for delivery and other partners. If you are looking to build a complete project at this scale it'll cost you 5000 plus Dollars, but we are giving it away at a floating price, and please note this code requires a minor twig in the backend (Laravel) once that is done you are app is ready and good to go. That is all from our end.

complete front end and back end codes, We aimed to build this application to serve as a one stop solution for food delivery cargo, Courier, Taxi and essential supplies fulfilment Application, Delright is your best delivery partner, allows you to order products or create custom orders and get delivery at your doorstep.

(For Sellers & Shop owners) - It allows you to sell products, manage orders and inventories. We are selling this project as we are selling the project at this stage because we are unable to focus on multiple business as we already having a scalable business running which requires a lot of Invesment and manpower to grow so we decided to sell this to potential Entrepreneurs looking for developing applications in the above sphere which saves them a lot of time and developmental costs. Delright was already testes on 100 plus test customers and had a positive feedback from them and also had nearly about 100 plus registrations for delivery and other partners. If you are looking to build a complete project at this scale it'll cost you 5000 plus Dollars, but we are giving it away at a floating price, and please note this code requires a minor twig in the backend (Laravel) once that is done you are app is ready and good to go. That is all from our end.

File Tree

  • 📁 Delright a complete mobility services application

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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